Monday, November 14, 2011

Final Draft


Urbanization is the increase in area or population of a city or town, and the process by which a rural area becomes a large population center.  During the 19th century, many capitol cities and port cities became manufacturing centers, and landless peasants or other lower classes seeking employment were attracted to the cities. Slums have a negative effect on human population because slums are a place for diseases to grow and spread.  A place for creating angry unsocial people and are the main reason cities are so over populated. Landless peasants and other lower classes seeking employment were attracted to the cities.
           Diseases spread faster and because of this, it creates angry unsocial people and too many people living in cities. And to also to inform the rapid growth in urban areas 20th century.  This makes the environment not sustainable for living based on rural areas being polluted.
“Today, many large cities are ringed by urban slums and shanty towns”. These people live in very poor conditions not sustainable for living. The rapid growths in urban areas in the 21st century are increasing rapidly. The rapid growth in urban areas in the 21st century. Large cities are ringed by urban slum.. To inform how rapidly an area that offer jobs. Is populated by lower class, too many people are living in these rural cities.
Conclusion of this is the rapid growth in urban areas in the mid 20th century was linked to industrialization, high population growth rates, and vast internal migrations. This growth stained the ability of cities to provide employment, housing, and public services for their burgeoning populations.
So because slums have a negative effect on human population, that’s why slums are a place for diseases to grow and spread for creating angry unsocial people, and are a main reason why cities are so over populated.
So because urbanization is the increase in areas/ becomes a population then rural areas are not sustainable for living because its not sanitary.
Growth of the urbanization population will keep growing because these people live in poor conditions and the increase in slums will soon increase.
Provide employment, housing, and public services for their burgeoning populations. The biggest and best-known slum in Mumbai is Dharavi; it is a chaotic warren of narrow alleys where tiny homes and workshops sit side by side. This leads to fast growth. Armstrong O Brian Onega Jr, used to live in Nairobi’s slums. During those times people lived in rural areas that were not clean. These cities are large.

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